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Junior Swords starts to focus more on technique and finding and maintaining correct positions and distances. For this program we use plastic swords and masks. Each session will involve a game relevant to the session or, where needed, to help reinforce a FUNdamental skill. Following this we will look at basic footwork and positioning followed by some bladework or tactical work.


Each session the students will get a chance to fence each other and put into practice everything they have learned. Each term will focus on a specific area of fencing. We first look at the basics to enable you to fence a bout. We then break each area down to perfect the technique and application.


There are three achievement awards for the Junior Swords Program. There will be regular plastic competitions for the students to take part in as well as the potential for school matches and even a school league. 


At the end of each term the students may be assessed and have the opportunity to achieve their BFA Bronze, Silver & Gold GoFence Award.

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